Member-only story
An Agent of Agency
Teaching for tomorrow’s world
After solving today’s Wordle, I was prompted to think about my role in the world. I know, big thoughts to be connected to the daily answer of a word puzzle, but here we are.
Teachers often think of themselves as AGENTs of change, understanding, or communication. We tell stories of students who grow up before our eyes, of those who struggle but come out of their shells, or of watching that lightbulb moment. If you’re not a teacher, ask one about their favorite lightbulb moment, I guarantee they’ll have a story to share.
We think of ourselves as not only facilitating learning, but also teaching students to speak up for their ideas, advocate for themselves, and accept diverse opinions.
We work hard to give our students safe spaces to practice and learn things that are often called “intangibles”; how to work together, how to discuss things without arguing, and how to bring about change in the world. We help them by being a sounding board for new ideas, by advising when they are lost, or by nudging them in the right direction when they are off track.
With all of that, I think we can add one more definition to what we do. We are AGENTS of AGENCY. Not only is it an interesting way to use today’s Wordle, it also concisely defines how we prompt students to take part in world issues, local opportunities for change, or personal ways to develop themselves as people. We teach the children under our care to be tomorrow’s AGENTS of change, communication and understanding. It’s a pretty great job to have if you can live up to it.
Thanks NYTCo Communications for the chance at a little self-reflection this morning. Today’s Wordle answer is AGENT.