Member-only story
Are People Being Nicer?
Is this virus affecting our brain?
As I was driving to work this morning, I noticed an inordinate amount of people being more considerate of each other. People were waving each other through at stop signs, waiting for pedestrians instead of honking horns for them to hurry, and actually waiting at red lights.
Is it that everybody was just sleepy from watching the news and not yet mentally up for being a complete asshole? Or are some people beginning to consider that they are not the only people in the world?
Drew Magary wrote an article titled “How to Talk to People Who’ve Been Through some S#@t” over the holidays about how we are all likely to encounter someone with “some shit” going on in their lives.
I think that maybe we have finally, with the last back-breaking straw of the Corona virus, all collectively arrived at the “some shit” point. By some miracle, or maybe just the normalcy of humanity, we have also collectively realized that we are all in this shit storm together. Whether your particular pain is Corona virus, trying to shop at Costco, lack of hand sanitizer, kids out of school, cancelled activities, or this cluster-F of an election we are all sharing the pain and have, at least for a brief time this morning, decided to be nicer to each other.