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Frankly My Dear…

Let’s be honest

R.L. Morgan


Gone With the Wind re-release from Wikimedia Commons

Openness, honestly, directness, and the name of a favorite uncle, FRANK is a word that has become less often used today. We modern humans seem to have no problem being direct with one another, openly hostile even, but “FRANKNESS” seems to elude us.

And I think it’s because there’s an implied emotionless honesty in being FRANK. When you’re “being FRANK” with somebody, you are telling them the straight-faced truth. You’re not trying to hurt them with it, but it’s something that needs to be said. You’re not trying to imply that you’re somehow better than them for knowing this truth, it’s simply something that you know and they don’t. And you’re not enjoying the telling of said truth, but giving them the human decency of an honest conversation.

Unfortunately, we no longer seem to be able to take the emotion out of giving someone honest information.

It seems like now, every time we are telling somebody “the truth”, we are trying to prove that we know something and they don’t. We seem to be so concerned with convincing them of our rightness that we lose the effect of that truth. We also seem to believe that our rightness somehow implies a wrongness on the part of the other person. We can’t just be…



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