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Wordle in Haiku Today

Today’s answer here

R.L. Morgan


My Wordle solution today from NY Times

As Wordlers across the country know, Green is the answer. Oh how we love to see those GREEN boxes come up. Once in a while, you even get an answer that has mostly GREEN like today.

My first guess is good.

Green letter in the middle.

Need some luck from here.

When that happens, you have to wonder if the people who decide the Wordle words thought about what today’s answer might do to daily puzzlers. We’re all hoping for green boxes as we guess the letters. So, are they messing with us, or showing us that they feel our pain?

This daily puzzle

is a challenge accepted.

Thank you NY Times.

But, finally, eventually, usually our guesses pay off. Sometimes you’re rewarded with a nice full set of green boxes at the end. And sometimes you get the NINJA. Yes, I’m still a little bitter.

Only six guesses

As my Wordle progresses

GREEN is the answer.

Thanks NYTCo Communications for a lot of GREEN today.



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