Member-only story
How I made $0.10 on Medium!
Woo Hoo! I am a paid writer!
It was a journey.
It was only about a week-long journey, but that doesn’t mean it was any less arduous, uncertain, or anxious than other journeys I have been on. I teach high school. I spend my days in a world full of anxiety and uncertainty about many things, many of them are even important.
My journey starts with reading, and a bit of lurking. For the price of a cup of coffee and an app download, I was part of the Medium world. Suddenly, I had access to great articles without clickbait ads and pictures of fifty dollar spinning tops on the side. Afraid to comment, I lurked in the background, silently wishing that I could be one of those enlightened few who can bring words to life.
I found some encouragement from established Medium authors, and even from my family. That is if you can count “you want to write another blog?” as encouragement.
Still, I pressed on. Or… Still, on I pressed. I don’t know, this preposition thing is confusing. But isn’t that something I need to figure out before I can call myself a writer? What about formatting? What about italics and underlines? What about that damn Oxford comma?!
I spent some time figuratively curled up in front of the blank screen wondering if I had the courage to push these sacred buttons and…