Let’s Be Adults
Can someone please calm the children down?
It seems fashionable these days to claim that it’s “hard” to be an adult. We even have a word for it so that we can use it as a noun in a sentence. “Adulting” is what we call it when a person has to pay bills, go to work, do things for people who aren’t themselves, and generally not sit around all day doing whatever they want for their own pleasure.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it’s easy. I’m saying that we have to do it.
It’s the price of the adult freedoms that we enjoy. Doing things for other people makes you a responsible person, and not sitting around all day means that you can provide value for the world. Going to work means you have money to buy ice cream, or beer if that’s your preference.
“Adulting” means that we don’t have to be dependent on someone else for everything. It doesn’t mean that we might not need a hand once in a while, but we understand that we might be called on to help in some other way. It doesn’t mean that we have to do everything on our own, but we have to have learned some responsibility and some skill during our 18+ years that we can use to help ourselves at least a little.
I know it’s also fashionable to bash Congress these days, but… They don’t want to pay our bills, and they don’t want to do things for people who aren’t themselves. They go to “work”, but instead of doing the work we hired them for, they are busy fighting with each other and promising nothing more than to take revenge on the other guys. And if we get to the middle of November, they are going to shut down the right to go to work for other people.
Somebody please bring some adults into that chamber. The fucking children are out of control.
Thanks NYTCo Communications. Today’s Wordle is ADULT.