Member-only story


My Wordle Journey

It starts, it stops, it continues

R.L. Morgan


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Hark, fair towns people of Medium! I have embarked on a quest these many moons ago and have been slack in my duties as I have fallen into the perils and sloth of comfortable mental dwelling. I am here today to pledge to do better and to serve the sisterly deities of prose and poetry with fresh frequency.

Will my quest continue to infinity? Sadly, affairs of the flesh and matters of the heart oft interfere with my pledge to daily invite the muses to bestow their many gifts. More often, given that my age is over the half century mark, it is more likely affairs of the knees or matters of digestion that belay my goal. But, pledge I must, because in doing so I prepare space of mind for ideas that can form themselves into words however virtual.

And so I begin anew, reminded of my QUEST by the eventual answer to today’s puzzle; a stern reminder of past promises. Will I journey alone? Will another writer walk with me on this road? Will my other more public quests again take precedence?

Nobody can know, but for today my beginning is complete as I start again my journey.



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