Member-only story
She Sells Seashells
Shilling selling seashells by the sea shore
Simply selling seashells by the sea shore, statistically speaking, is sufficiently standard. Superabundant stores selling seashells of all sorts establish themselves in small cities associated with shorelines slinging sufficient shellage to unsuspecting suckers to sustain salons, stores, and several studios specializing in shellacking shells with spray, stain, and all sorts of spangles.
But what of the Susie, Cindy, Sheryl, or Shirley who is the shadowy “she” of seashell selling stardom?
Is she selling seasoned seashells? Sand swept seashells? Seriously shady seashells from somewhere else? Southern seashells? Standard seashells? Spangled seahsells? Swirly seashells? Are these sea shells sustainable? Is she selling for a shilling? Is she shilling for a seller? Is there a fresh shipment? Specifics are scarce.
The Library of Congress, supplies a sample of the song’s senior, surpassing in scope but sadly not specifics.
And so, with sufficient sorrys to Wordle and those with a scarcity of coffee for my lack of stratagem, storyline, or any serious scenario in this specific spiel, I show the solution to today’s puzzle as SHORE.