Stall, Stalled, Stalling

Sometimes we write and sometimes we don’t.

R.L. Morgan
2 min readMay 16, 2024


Image by Etienne Marais from Pixabay

I enjoy writing.

It calms me.

It makes me think.

It makes me wonder.

It makes me draw my thoughts together in a coherent way. It gives me a catalyst to coalesce around and something concrete to create if only in a virtual space. Sometimes it’s a distraction, sometimes it’s a focus, and sometimes it’s just a place for the thoughts to go while I make room for other things. It’s sometimes poetic, sometimes prosaic, and sometimes both or neither depending on your point of view.

But I’ve stalled recently.

I’ve stalled for various reasons, some of them good and some of them bad. I’ve stalled to keep thoughts good and bad inside so I could make sense of them. I’ve stalled because I didn’t want to think. I’ve stalled because I didn’t have time to wonder. I’ve stalled because I was ashamed to enjoy while others suffered. I’ve stalled because I’m busy with life things. I’ve stalled because I didn’t have time, or inclination, or need, or sometimes even energy. I’ve stalled because some things didn’t seem important enough, and others seemed too important.

Mental issues, maybe.

Mental gymnastics, certainly.

Medium is full of writers who probably feel this way sometimes. No advice here, just comradery.

So write if you can. Write for wonder, write for love, write for life, write for yourself or for someone else. Or don’t.

It’s okay if you STALL. At least you’ll know the Wordle answer for today.



R.L. Morgan

Loves writing, loves teaching, and loves his 11-year-old daughter. All of which are potential topics of hopefully entertaining posts.