Member-only story
Staring at Bleakness
Is this new, or just more of the same?
Today’s Wordle might be taken as a one-word commentary on today’s world. For years, we seem to be circling the drain of history, destined to be the last inhabitants of time and space. Sometimes it seems like we spend all of our time fighting amongst ourselves, pressing each others’ buttons just because we can, and utterly failing to add happiness to the world.
In a word, it’s BLEAK.
But, the question I find myself asking is “Is it BLEAKer than before?”.
Is the bleakness that invades modern society actually worse than before? Or is it that we are so emotionally invested in every facet of existence that we are hyper-sensitive to even the smallest changes.
Don’t get me wrong, we got some bad shit going on. We are killing each other in unfathomable numbers and over the absolutely most unsettling reasons. We are banning books, tearing down flags, bombing civilians, and generally being assholes at every turn.
But, is this BLEAKness new? If you look at history, humans have been warring and killing each other for millennia. Even in more modern times, the things we see as “Earth shattering” have happened before. We have elected bad presidents and Congressmen before. We have had wars…