Member-only story
Tempo Tempo
Find your tempo, keep your time
Today’s Wordle reminds me to keep time. It reminds me that things have a natural progression and a natural flow. It asks me to make sure to keep a TEMPO when I’m doing things.
I find it interesting that traditional indicators of TEMPO in a piece of music use Italian words instead of the more specific Beats Per Minute (BPM). From looking at a few websites, it seems that the Italian words can be roughly translated into a range of BPM rather than a specific number.
It’s that rough translation or general idea that gives the performer the direction, but also allows “the art” to happen by also giving them leeway to feel the music and to make their interpretation of it. It’s that understanding of how they want to perform it, and their ability to interpret Adagio, or Lento in a pleasing way that makes them artists.
I think that we sometimes lose this TEMPO when we try to place too strict a timetable or too many limitations on something. A person who understands their job will adjust their own TEMPO whether it means understanding how much foam to put in a latte, when the traffic is going to slack on a delivery route, or when to make the morning announcements. Understanding that TEMPO is what you gain from experience.