Thank you for giving credibility to what I’ve been telling friends and colleagues for weeks. I did a stint in a small company or two, and I know that with rapid growth that things can get a little out of hand. Zoom has handled insane growth as well as anybody and has, as you said, been honest about their needed and scheduled improvements. I’ve been using zoom for all of my personal calls and I use it professionally when I can’t get the “other” system to work properly. I have not had any problem with bombing, though we joke on the family call that if someone does bomb us, we will quickly switch him into the center position and sing the Brady Bunch theme (we always seem to be one short).
If Zoom does eventually read this, I would just like to say “thank you” for being there when we needed you with a simple, easy way to talk remotely. It made the early days of this thing much less painful.