Unfairly Prosecuted

This isn’t what unfair looks like

R.L. Morgan
3 min readAug 15, 2023
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-handcuffs-holding-bundles-of-cash-6266697/

I am returning to school in a couple weeks and, like every year, I will hear “summer stories” from my students. Some will be good, some will be about actual targeted unfairness. I can’t listen to those without saying this.

Our former President has repeatedly claimed that he is being “unfairly prosecuted”.

He has no idea.

He has never had his door broken down in the middle of the night with guns drawn because of a “suspicion”. Taxi drivers have never strongly warned him about the neighborhood he chooses to live in. Nobody has ever wondered where he got that suit or how he affords the latest iPhone. There has never been a teacher who suggested he might be “better off in an easier class” without even giving him a shot. He has never been pulled over for “Driving While Black”.

I’m White. Aside from a few slurs in my direction from students who didn’t really know me, I cannot claim to have ever been unfairly targeted because of the color of my skin. But, I choose to live and work in communities where a large majority of my colleagues, neighbors, and students are people of color.

I see it.

Even in a community such as mine, I see the unfair targeting. I hear about harassment from my students. I watch while, despite good efforts, specific demographics are the targets of microaggressions, institutional racism, and the very definition of unfairness.

So the former guy is being “unfairly prosecuted”? What?


Actually, I might be unfairly targeting him. I firmly believe he is guilty as hell of pretty much everything he’s being accused of. I think we should quit screwing around with the future of our country and drop some cuffs on him right now.

Good thing I’m not a prosecutor or another agent of the court. Those people are doing everything they can to make sure he is innocent until proven guilty. They are dotting every i and crossing every t. They are pushing for fairness and the rule of law at every turn. The law that he once swore to uphold.

He won’t be handcuffed for safety, and he won’t have a weapon drawn on him just in case. He won’t have his throat knelt on, and he won’t have to worry about someone in his family being caught in crossfire. He won’t get a public defender who has ten more cases today, and he won’t lose his hourly-wage job just because he had to spend time in court.

He’s being treated like every other rich white guy.

I guess it is unfair. Just not in the way he thinks.

Disclaimer: This is only my opinion. If you want a political discussion, write your own article and don’t bother commenting in mine. This is only intended to get this off my chest so I can go back to writing humor and drinking. Probably both.



R.L. Morgan
R.L. Morgan

Written by R.L. Morgan

Loves writing, loves teaching, and loves his 11-year-old daughter. All of which are potential topics of hopefully entertaining posts.

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