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What the Dickens is Going On?

Thinking like the Dickens

R.L. Morgan


Image by Prawny from Pixabay

I’ve spent several hours today trying to figure out what to write about today’s Wordle. Today’s answer isn’t as exciting as GNASH, as ubiquitous as CLOSE or WHEEL, or as politically charged as PEACE. It’s not inspiring a CHOIR of articles (I still think that might catch on), or a MUSICAL adventure. The closest we’ve had recently frankly is, FRANK but not for reasons I will explore here.

Today, I had to THINK. I had to let my mind compose a bit and wonder about what I would WRITE. I pushed ideas around in my head, explored themes, and generally tried to make this word the featured flavor in a dish of thoughts that somebody might find entertaining.

And when that didn’t really work out I turned to everybody’s favorite thinking partner, Wikipedia.

After a trip down won’t-ever-remember-that lane, I settled on an article about Charles Dickens. I enjoy reading Dickens, and have enjoyably made my way through David Copperfield, Great Expectations, and of course A Christmas Carol. The article said that when Dickens was writing A Christmas Carol, that he spent a lot of time composing. He would walk around London for 20 miles a day while composing in his head and then come home to write.



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